into the sky....movin fwrd..
3/1/08,time pass by so fast....its been a year already....
yesterday while having lunch,my office mate spotted my KE70 pic inside my phone...he asked me what happen,and i told him about the accident at "bukit puchong" flyover last year around 11++ pm...he said 2 years ago on 31/08/07 his brother also had an accident at the same exact location and almost at the same time...his brother only start working as bus conductor for 3 days...on the night the accident happen he was otw back from working with the bus driver,then suddenly the bus lost control(some shaft broke) and hit the flyover,his brother swing off the bus and got crushed between the flyover and the bus...sadly he didnt make it,he died on the spot...there was nothing the bus driver can do as he is in shocked and stunned....similar to my case the KE70 rear wheel tire fell out due to loose nut that lock the rims...
what got me thinking is i heard so many accident happen at that spot..if u noticed the date, mine is on 3/1/2008 and my friends brother is on 31/8/07....purely coincident....if u asked me i would say that everything happen for a reason...a reason only Allah all mighty knows...
and finally Al Fatihah to my friends brother..even i dont knew him but it feel like we share something in common...
the date,huhu.
better not passing by that road on those date yang sewaktu dgnnya,huhu
al fatihah to the KE70 and the conductor bus.
Skang dah ade 8081..Hehehe.
hmmm spooky ek hehehe.....
Moral of the setory;
kene make sure lug ikat ketat2..kekekke.
Carikla lg sesape yg kurashu kt sana...kalo ade, SAH! Ade hantoooo
ikat mmg dah ketat....tu la masalah nye dgn weld axle...kena selalu check...
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