31/12/2008,back from work around 6pm,damn tired and sleepy,so decided to crash for a while,only to wake up at 12.15 a.m,got tons of missed call and mesemes asking of my wherebout..call up mr president koopang,and we hangout at a mamak restaurant in Ampang..koopang showing me the latest november issue of "Doriten"(yeah we cant read japanese but atleast we can looked at the picture and understand the number/figure/code written hahaha)finally in this issue got a few reviews and picture of JZX81 aside from 90 and 100..will asked koopang scanned the page a.s.a.p

Doriten and limau ais hehe
i would like to wish all a happy new year,may 2009 be better than 2008..thanks for ur friendship and support for me through all this time..i really appreciated it....
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