Thursday, July 21, 2016

EDITED* The pink 81

got the news from Ciscokids over at facebook 
"Sad day in history, Yesterday i had confirmation that this bit of X Chassis history was parted out and crushed. I'm sure for many of the people who follow this page it was apart of there inspiration to get into an X chassis in the first place and probobly one of the most well known cars of D1 for that era" 29th july 2016

the visit to kidsheart is not complete without checking out this car.
(yes,i am a fanboy)
it had seen better days,but i have to say the paint is still in a good condition despite being parked in the open
i couldn't get a full shot from my slr because the space was tight and i was using 50mm lens
car and front bonnet was locked,looking from the interior most parts are still intact except missing front seat and few stuff. couldn't say about the engine though~
that is all i got on tezuka old mark II

this is actually an attempt to start blogging frequently again,but i will no longer update on my own car/build 
(here is the reason why-its a nissan,nothing special,dead stock,no modification done,very common,and parts are easy to find LOL)

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