first of all i would to say thank you to Mr. Temujin for giving the link on about the exact price of the R32 4doors in my previous post and encourage me to go check out the i went to see the owner and soon after that another potential buyer arrived..i must say i was head over heels, the car was in a pristine condition,really worth it for rm35k..the car was original bought in from Japan to London by the previous owner..and the current owner used his student AP to bring it back to Malaysia in 2006.. .unlike the other buyer (an early 50 years old chinese man with his son in the 20),i didnt bother checking the engine becoz its just a stock rb20det or asking technical stuff to the owner..circling around for about 10 minute before i pop the last word in closing the deal..since i dont have enough cash at the moment,i offer the owner rm500 as a deposit,and request a week time to settle the payment..quickly he refused,and ask for 10% from the price he stated and a month to clear the rest...the other party left for a while after hearing that only to come back with the deposit..huhu i guess u all ready know the ending.. 616..nice number the original was a DE version, after a few series of overheating,owner change it to DET interior..that's the future owner :)
noted that if i do buy the car, i have no intention to sell Jyu, the r32 will serve as my daily stock car (thats why i dont mind the engine) and the Mark II will continue to be my project poser car..but since that ain't gonna happen..the white rust bucket outside my house will remain to serve me for both occasion hahaha...
this is the second time, my closed encounter with r32 4doors...the first one was a few years back that was on sale for rm38k..and im not entitle to apply for a personal loan that moment..
Takpe bro.. kalo jodoh, takkan ke mana.. cheer up :)
hehe tq bro :)
Haaa. Shitla. Unfair betul. Dahla budak, tak enthusiast, tak layak pakai kete rare.. Tsk tsk. Sorry pendapat saya je.
Anyway, kenapa 4-doors waaaay terlalu murah dari 2-doors?
budak ZTH,mmg xtau sgt pasal kete FR..bapak ade mmg xdpt la aku hahaha....
sebab org malaysia ni kan skeptical skit pasal kete 4pintu...
Apa kata ko tepon budak tu, racun dia suruh angkat 180sx plak.. pastu ko sambar la drpd dia..
hahaha dier mesti xnak jual punye..melainkan ade org nak jual 180sx tapi kalau ade baik aku je yg beli huahuahuha
Humh. Unfairrrrr gilak. @_@ Geram plak aku ble bayangkan budak tu tak tau pape, pastu lanyak, pastu total lost. (Biasenye ending dia camtu aa)
Anyway Bob aritu aku lalu lg kawasan markII hangus tu, dalam still cantik. Takde sape usik. Lampu blkg pun elok lg rasenye..
4-doors = Awesomeness..
haha nak buat camne guna duit mak bapak..eksiden ke total lost ke mintak je..pastu dpt lain..hahaha
hmmm belom ade kesempatan lagi nak kesana...insyallah satu hari ni aku pegi jugak..kasi tow! hahahha
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