Keong (in the right)bending the 3inch pipe...

im using 3inch white steel material(stainless steel is expansive weh),and used back the diesel muffler,after the car inspection i will change it back to straight the car is very silence..deng...
outside Cikgu Iz house,waiting for his car to arrived ....
Oh, samela kite. White steel je. 3' ek.. Camna nak tau kete kite seswai pakai brape inch punye saiZ?
Kalo aku?
hmmmm ko punye aku xpasti,pasal aku tanye pengguna 1j yg lain,diorg byk pakai 3inch.. ;)
buat sementara waktu ni ok la bob.da stabil nanti tuka stainless plak
Kenapa dgn stainless? Ada lebey/kurang dia tak compare ngan white steel?
yg kurgnye rege die mahal la..lelain sume lebey..wakakakkaa
hahahahahha kenapa mesti bayar lebih hahahaha
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